The Lutheran Podcast – Pr. Eric Wolf

Rev. Eric Wolf is an ELCA pastor serving St. John Lutheran Church in Sudbury, Massachusetts. His podcast title is “The Lutheran Podcast.”

Sometimes We Get What We Look For (Christ the King) The Lutheran Podcast

Today’s gospel is one in which we find some stunning decisions. Some lead to great increase and new responsibility; others lead to a no good very bad terrible day. The Gospel isn’t concerned with what we produce, but that we use what we’re given somehow. The talents given are grace-filled opportunities to do what we can with what we have. How will you respond?
  1. Sometimes We Get What We Look For (Christ the King)
  2. What God Has Wrought — Reformation Sunday 2023
  3. Kingdom Visions New and Old
  4. Grace May be Free, but it isn't Cheap (Matthew 18:15-20)
  5. Not On My Watch, Jesus! (Matthew 16:21-28)