Christ Church Mequon, Wisconsin Podcast

Christ Church is an ELCA congregation located in Mequon, Wisconsin. Listen to the most recent sermons below, or subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.

Rest: Always More, Always Faster Christ Church Mequon Podcast

Are you stressed from the holidays? Tired of the busyness? Feeling burnt out driving from one thing to the next? Join us as we resist the rush and embrace rest in our lives, discovering together what the Bible, Jesus, and the larger Christian tradition says about this incredibly important (and often overlooked!) discipline in the Christian life. Then, head home and take a nap!Thanks for listening to the Christ Church Mequon Podcast. Find your next step and let us know how we can be praying for you at ChristChurchMequon.LIFE/Podcast. Hit that subscribe button and, until next week, God bless.
  1. Rest: Always More, Always Faster
  2. Christmas at Christ Church: Pastor Andrew
  3. I Am Christ Church: What We Believe – Church
  4. Christmas at Christ Church: Pastor Mike
  5. Ghosts of Christmas Past: Covenant in a Cradle